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Célia Antunes

Hashtag Your Life!

The Garden Fence of Social Life

In a world where we capture our best moments in pixels and label them with hashtags like #Blessed and #LivingMyBestLife, you might think that real life is just one endless photo shoot. We scroll through our friends' feeds, only to see the glossy facets of their existence – the perfect breakfast, the dream vacation, the stylish new apartment. But while we wander through the digital matrix with our smartphones in hand, we often forget that real life doesn’t always come with the Instagram filter “Life in Perfection.”

Imagine life as a garden. The garden fence we build around our images acts like a hashtag – it defines what we show to the outside world but also protects us from the real chaos lurking beyond. Yet, while we hide behind our garden fences, the true flowers and weeds grow in secrecy. We forget that even the weeds are part of the garden and give it character!

Humorously speaking, we often spend more time trying to find the perfect pose than actually living. We juggle hashtags like #NoFilter while simultaneously filtering our reality by focusing only on the best moments. It's as if we've constructed our own little garden fence, made from the same material as our stress and fears.

But what if we set the hashtags aside and allowed ourselves to truly live? What if we mixed the perfect moments with genuine emotions? What if we tore down the garden fence and just got our hands dirty? Perhaps we would discover that real life isn’t just about shiny images but also about the funny, chaotic, and sometimes embarrassing moments that truly connect us.

So, let’s leave the hashtags behind and enjoy our true lives to the fullest – even if it means getting our hands dirty in the garden and forgetting about the perfect pose. After all, real life is so much more colorful than any filter could ever show!

See you soon, your Célia


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